This Fruit'cream' is so good you'd think that is was real ice cream. Of course it is, just minus the dairy! That's even better! Now you can have your favorite food guilt-free!

This is all fruit. All you need is any type of frozen fruit and a champion juicer (pictured below). You push the frozen fruit through the juicer and it comes out creamy and good!

For those of you who don't have a champion juicer, this type of fruit "ice cream" is great too!!
2 bananas, frozen and cut in 1" pieces
1/2 C strawberries, frozen
2 T soymilk
1/2 tsp vanilla
Combine all ingredients in a food processor and whiz until thick and creamy. So yummy right after blended up. It also freezes well. Just let it set out for 10 minutes before you're ready to eat it. :) This was a hit as a Vacation Bible School snack!

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